Gaming prize

Berserk Season 1: $100k in Prizes

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How to setup and the prize breakdown

Win a part of a giant prize pool in Vulcan Forged’s Berserk game by participating in the inaugural season of Berserk: Vulcanites Unleashed

When: Starts 4pm GMT 15th May 2021

End Date: 4pm GMT 5th June 2021

Where: or iOS or Android


Lets get started!

How to sign up

First of all, make a free account at This is your portal to all Vulcan Forged games, including our marketplace, VulcanVerse, and of course Berserk!

Join our discord to meet our community and learn the rules and play some practice matches.

The game can be played in browser at: and on both iOS and Android (Search for Berserk Vulcanites Unleashed).

To understand gameplay here are some guides:

1. Berserk 101 — Cards, Chaos, Carnage

2. Berserk Overview by

3. A gameplay Video

The Prizes

Prizes will be distributed in $PYR, the native token of Vulcan Forged.

N.B. Only ranked matches contribute to wins and ELO score i.e. no lobby creation to play chosen opponents. ELO will be adjusted to find you players at your skill level.

Ranking Pool (based on final ELO score) — $75,000

1st: $15,000

2nd: $10,000

3rd — 5th: $7500

6th — 10th: $1500

11th-15th: $750

16th — 30th: $500

31st — 50th :$250

51st — 75th: $100

76st — 100th: $50

Most Wins Pool(based on total wins at any level)— $25,000

1st: $7500

2nd: $5000

3rd — 5th: $2500

6th — 10th: $1000


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