With ExoWorlds fully migrated to Elysium, it’s now time to focus on the much anticipated EXO token sale (IDO).
But what is ExoWorlds?
ExoWorlds is a Sci-Fi NFT blockchain MMORPG built on the Elysium Blockchain. Evolve your civilization and join the stars in a Galactic P2E Metaverse. Join the Galactic Senate, establish planetary alliances, join Factions, create super-luminal trade routes, compete with and challenge other planets! Explore the Verified Galaxy!
ExoWorlds are a collection of 10,000 unique and procedurally generated Planet NFT’s that give owners the rights to participate in the next big Metaverse blockchain game on Elysium.
From April 2024, ExoWorlds is exclusively on Elysium blockchain and it will be making use of the Elysium Launchpad, our digital asset fund raising platform, designed to help and advise project teams, from pre-build advisory services to offering a helping hand along the way. ExoWorlds will exclusively provide 100,000,000 $EXO tokens that are up for grab via this IDO.
You can find their tokenomics as well as their roadmap and other essential information on their website or on the official dApp page on our Elysium website.
I’m Interested – What Does This Mean For Me?
As a blockchain project, ExoWorlds comes with its own token, $EXO. From April 24th to May 7th 2024, the ExoWorlds Initial Dex Offering (IDO) and public sale takes place through the Elysium Launchpad.
The IDO sale comes in three tiers, open from 6pm UTC on April 24th, 2024 as follows and can be found on the official ExoWorlds Launchpad page
Tier 1
- Lock 200 $PYR
- Max Allocation : $30k / 6,000,000 $EXO / per wallet
- Bonus: Tier 1 Beta Early Access
- Bonus: Weapon + Vehicle NFT
Tier 2
- Lock 100 $PYR
- Max Allocation : $15k / 3,000,000 $EXO / per wallet
- Bonus: Tier 2 Beta Early Access
- Bonus: Vehicle NFT
Tier 3
- Lock 50 $PYR
- Max Allocation : $7.5k / 1,500,000 $EXO / per wallet
- Bonus: Tier 3 Beta Early Access
- Bonus: Weapon NFT
From April, 24th 2024 onwards, users can lock 200, 100, or 50 $PYR and get priority – then specify their USDT $EXO allocations request).
50/100/200 $PYR to be locked from April 24th to May 7th, 2024. Those who lock for a week from April 24th to April 30th can then buy on May 1st. Following this, on May 7th, the public can then buy without $PYR on April 15th providing there is any $EXO remaining.
How to register for the ExoWorlds IDO?
There are a series of steps that must be completed in order for a person to become eligible for participation. These include locking $PYR – the main token of Vulcan Forged, the creators of the Elysium blockchain. $PYR must be locked for at least several days to be eligible for a tier. Select a tier and then register your interest for the ExoWorlds IDO. Note that KYC is not required, there is a consent form to complete that provides all information required. This is essentially the Pre-IDO steps.
On IDO day (May 1st, 2024), visit the Elysium Launchpad, connect your wallet, select the ExoWorlds IDO here and finally, click approve when prompted and click the buy button when it appears to proceed.
You can read more about the detailed steps on our dedicated Launchpad article here.
Key Dates
- April 24th, 2024 (6:00 pm UTC): $PYR locking will begin and will be live until April 30th, 2024
- May 1st, 2024 (6:00 pm UTC): Sale goes live for those who have locked $PYR and it will be live until May 7th, 2024. Note that $EXO can be purchased with Elysium | USDT
- May 7th, 2024: (Optional) Public sale goes live – anyone can participate. $EXO can be purchased with Elysium | USDT or Ethereum | USDT if there are any tokens remaining.
Need more information or help?
You can join the Vulcan Forged Discord server, where our amazing community will assist you; likewise, the ExoWorlds community will be able to provide you with assistance through their Discord server.