Limited Edition Unique Collectible Lamia Avatars Offering Ecosystem Buffs + Benefits
Vulcan’s Phalanx. 10,000 unique collectible avatars known as Phalangites, 500 each of 20 different character types released in 5 waves!
And if the idea of a collection of unique, fun, limited edition avatar creatures isn’t enough alone, you’ll be glad to hear that each Phalanx avatar provides Vulcan Forged ecosystem-wide buffs — all of which are covered in this article.
Unique, Limited, Collectible
Each Vulcan’s Phalanx avatar is a unique collectible NFT character. When we say unique, we mean it! Your character will be a one off out of the total 10k characters being released — 500 for each creature type. It will have a unique image with its own name and (also unique) lore as written by award winning fantasy author, Jamie Thomson, aka the DarkLord.
Vulcan’s Phalanx Hades Wave 1 — Lamias will be released on Halloween (or Hades Halloween as it is known here in VulcanVerse), Monday 31st October at 2pm GMT.

The Lamia is a creature you’d expect to find in Hades. A monster that preys upon humans, a fiend who sucks the blood of children, with the head and breasts of a woman and the lower half of a serpent. Hades is no place for children if we’re being frank.
Our devilsh Lamias represent Vulcan’s Phalanx Wave 1 for the Underworld of Hades and the fourth and final release of this first wave of Vulcan’s Phalanx characters, putting the total released number of avatars (across all four quadrants for Wave 1) at 2,000.
Visit phalanx.vulcanforged.com on Halloween, the 31st October at 2pm GMT to request your Lamia from the gods!
As with previous collectible Phalanx avatars, your Hades Wave 1 Lamias will have three statistic points that are minted to the NFT. They are:
This is based on the tail of your Lamia with a value ranging between 150 and 250. There are three different tail types.
Lamias come equipped with 4x different weapon types, listed below in order from most (stat of 525) to least (350) powerful:
- Nirvana
- The Conqueror
- Tupsimati
- Sword

There are 6 different armour types (based on the chest armour) for Lamias, offering stats ranging from 225 as the least form of defence to 375 as the best.
A chance to see the stats before the time is up? Go on, but you must be quick! You will be able to see your first generated companion’s stats- but only if you wait until the last 15 seconds! Choose quickly..
Unique Image, Name And Lore
Each of our 500 Vulcan’s Phalanx collectible avatars is fully unique. No other Lamia will look exactly the same, and no other Lamia will have matching lore- in fact, some lines of lore provided by the DarkLord, author Jamie Thomson, will only appear on a single Vulcan’s Phalanx Lamia. The rest is randomised across the characters, building unique, rich and often funny lore for your NFT.

Buffs and Benefits
Buffs. We know what you’re here for. We have a list of Phalanx buffs that, while not presently live, we are working on and will be bringing to you as the ecosystem develops further. The same is true for the Lamia buffs. Among them are some truly interesting ones including use of all Lamia weapons in Vulcan Assassins and, for those lucky enough to get the rarest weapon or armour, a 5% boost to either attack or defence for your Vulcanite in VulcanVerse.
Here’s the buffs list:
General Lamia Buffs + Perks (non-stackable)
–My Forge accounts with avatars have a slightly better % chance with lootboxes
-An achievement for collecting 4x Lamia Phalanx avatars
-Lamia weapons will be available for use in Vulcan Assassins
Stackable Lamia Buffs + perks:
–% $LAVA generation multiplier per avatar held (full details TBA but 1% to 3% based on stats)
Rare Item Lamia Buffs + Perks:
–An achievement for having a Lamia Phalanx avatar with either the rarest armour or rarest weapon.
-5% Vulcanite attack stat boost in VulcanVerse for holding a Phalanx avatar with the rarest weapon.
-5% Vulcanite defence stat boost in VulcanVerse for holding a Phalanx avatar with the rarest armour.
-As well as the above, Phalanx avatar integration and use is possible (and available for use) in future games. We’re also looking into a very cool concept for Phalanx characters in relation to VulcanVerse though this one is for the future.
New Benefits Incoming..
Coming soon- Vulcan’s Phalanx Challenges. Own one or multiple Phalanx avatars? Take part in unique challenges throughout the Vulcan Forged ecosystem and earn achievements, XP and other goodies!
Own 10 Phalanx avatars? 20? FIFTY?!? Achievements incoming for the mega collectors among you. Show off your collecting prowess!
The Process
How do you get a Vulcan’s Phalanx Lamia? The process is simple. Initially, you’ll need a My Forge account — set this up in advance, as avatars can sell out quickly and you do not want to miss out.
A further note, ensure pop ups are allowed, you’ll need this for Venly wallet sign in.
From 2pm GMT on 31st October 2022, visit phalanx.vulcanforged.com and click ‘Get a Lamia’.
Sign in with your My Forge login and password.
Click ‘Receive your companion from the Gods’. Venly will pop up- sign in to Venly and pay the 25 $PYR cost.
BANG! Your Lamia is displayed on screen. You have 1 minute to either accept this Lamia, or decline and make one further payment of 5 $PYR (a further Venly pop up) for a different Lamia. Note- you don’t get a further choice after this, the Lamia after either accepting the first or declining and paying for a second choice will be yours.
If you allow the timer to count down to 15 seconds remaining, you will be able to view the Lamia stats- but decide quickly! If he counter reaches zero, you will receive the Lamia on screen.
The congratulations screen gives you the name and lore for your Vulcan’s Phalanx Lamia alongside the image. Look after your companion! Press exit to go back to the first screen, where you can purchase a further Lamia should you want to.
Minting will happen after all Vulcan’s Phalanx avatars have been purchased.

Frequently Asked Questions
How Much Does A Lamia Collectible Avatar Cost?
Information is listed in the ‘Process’ section above. It’s 25 $PYR- with your second roll of the dice (if you’re not happy with your initial Lamia) at 5 $PYR.
Venly Wallet Won’t Work!? Help!
Disable your pop up blocker, friend.
Can I Buy Multiple Avatars?
We know how keen some of you are to get hold of Vulcan’s Phalanx avatars — yes, you can buy as many as you want!
Can I Sell My Avatar / Can I Buy An Avatar on the Marketplace?
As an NFT, yes, you can buy and sell Vulcan’s Phalanx avatars on the marketplace. But why would you want to sell? You’ll grow fond of your collectible Lamia friend (fiend?) we’re sure..
For those missing out on the Lamia release, buying later in our marketplace will be the way to get hold of an avatar.
Are Some Avatars Rarer Than Others?
Yes. There are 500 Lamia avatars, each unique, but some will come with better armour, a rarer weapon. Rarer items usually means better perks..
I Selected to ‘Decline, Make One Further Offering’ But Didn’t Make The Transaction. What Happens Now?
Vulcan will banish you forever from his realm! Not really. You’ll get the first companion that you declined. Be warned- she won’t be happy with the previous rejection.
Where Do I Find The Full List of Buffs / Perks?
In this article- read up!
Are These Characters I Can Use in VulcanVerse?
No, they are unique collectible NFT avatars for your My Forge profile. They’ll give you small buffs, multipliers, that sort of thing. But more on that soon.. as NFTs, you can buy sell and trade them in the marketplace.
I Missed The Sale, But I Want A Lamia!
Lamias go live on Halloween, 31st October at 2pm GMT and, depending on how quick they sell, will potentially be available for one week. If you missed the sale, simply sign into My Forge and go to the marketplace. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to buy one there.. but we have no say over the resale price.
My Transaction Hasn’t Gone Through / I’m Still Waiting?!
Have patience.. there will likely be many people all trying to get an avatar at the same time. You may be making offerings to the gods, but mortals built blockchain..
Hey, Where’s My NFT?
Have yet more patience puny mortal. It’s coming- all avatars will be minted and sent out when the current release has closed.
Lore And Names You Say? Who Came Up With Those?
None other than the DarkLord himself, award winning author, Jamie Thomson. We don’t mess around when it comes to Vulcan’s Phalanx you know!
About Vulcan Forged
Vulcan Forged is a blockchain game studio, NFT marketplace, and NFT minting engine. Vulcan Forged is the creator of VulcanVerse and Berserk, and many other games. The ecosystem is expanding rapidly, and many games are being enabled within the play to earn economy.
The native token used within the ecosystem is $PYR. The secondary token $LAVA acts as a play to earn tokens. This dual token economy structure is ideal for play to earn. Scholars will earn $LAVA while playing the Vulcan Forged games and will be able to forage special NFTs while in-game. These can be sold on the Vulcan Marketplace for $PYR.