upgrade staking level 4

VulcanVerse: Level 4 staking and upgrades

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So far, Vulcan Forged has provided a great and unique opportunity for anyone owning PYR to be rewarded via VulcanVerse and land ownership. Staking in VulcanVerse is structured in levels with the current one being Level 3. On July 19th 2023, that’s about to change with the introduction of Level 4 staking and upgrades. That comes with a limited 20% discount on sowing for 30 days and other key exciting changes.


  • Level 4 sowing starts July 19th 2023 in My Forge;
  • We are dissociating the need to level up your avatar from the capacity to level up your land (ie: you can sow at level 4 with a level 2 avatar);
  • Vulcan Forged is offering a 30-day promotion to celebrate the exciting change. Landowners with a Level 3 avatar land (edit: typo) will get a 20% discount on sowing L3>L4 (edit: clarification it’s for L3>L4 only);
  • Optimize your staking by ensuring your avatar level is matching your land level (ie: having both your avatar and land at Level 4 will provide a full reward to landowner staking);
  • On the other hand, while staking with a lower-level avatar is possible, you’ll only get 50% of the reward. The remaining 50% will be distributed to landowners with a matching avatar-land level;
  • Levelling up your avatar to Level 4 will require 40,000 XP and 150 cold LAVA (edit: specified it’s cold LAVA);
  • Levelling up your avatar will unlock access to Level 4 Vulcanites and Level 4 avatar clothing.

NOTE ABOUT PYR AND LAVA (edit: added to clarify):

LAVA required to upgrade your avatar and/or sow your land needs to be cold, off-chain LAVA. This should already be on your My Forge account (new Elysium). If that’s not the case, you need to get LAVA on the Elysium network (hot) and swap to cold LAVA.

To swap PYR to market PYR, please note it has to be from Elysium PYR (NOT Polygon PYR). Essentially, Polygon PYR need to be bridged using Elysium Bridge.


A brief intro to staking with Vulcan Forged

Staking is a great way to be rewarded for holding your tokens. To stake and be rewarded in Vulcan Forged, we have associated the staking mechanic with VulcanVerse, our marquee game.

To stake your PYR, you simply need to start Land staking. In simple terms, it is the process of locking up your PYR token in a VulcanVerse land. As such, you must own at least one VulcanVerse land plot to start staking. Then you need to do the following:

  • Level your land by sowing and pay a small fee in the form of PYR and LAVA;
  • Wait for sowing;
  • Earn the required daily XP;

Each land plot starts at Level 1 and can be levelled up to Level 7 for maximum staking rewards. The staking pool is shared across all those who have staked land and are eligible for the reward (don’t forget to earn the daily XP).

The fees collected are distributed as follows: 50% is going back to the Great acquisition wallet. (edit: removed other details as outdated)

Introducing Level 4 Staking

So far, VulcanVerse has allowed landowners to upgrade lands to Level 3. On July 19th, we’ll be introducing Level 4.


Previously, landowners were required to level up their avatar to the necessary level before being able to level up land. This is about to change with the complete dissociation of Avatar levelling and Land levelling.

Moving forward, all landowners will be able to stake up to level 4 even if their avatar hasn’t reached that level yet. However, keep in mind the staking benefits will be higher if your avatar level is matching your land level. More on this later!

Landowner can now stake at a level even if their avatar hasn’t reached that level yet

From July 19th until August 19th 2023, we are offering a 20% discount to all landowners who have a land  an avatar (edit: typo) at Level 3 and wish to sow to Level 4 during the promotional period. That means the fees are reduced from 180 PYR and 20 PYR equivalent to LAVA to only 144 market PYR and 16 PYR equivalent in cold LAVA. (edit: specified it is market PYR and Cold LAVA)

Key Information:

  1. If your land is on Level 3, a 20% discount applies on sowing to Level 4 from July 19th until August 19th, 2023.
  2. You can stake to a level even if your avatar is on a lower level.


Optimizing your sowing

In general, sowing takes 20 days and if you own specific God NFTs, that time is shorten by a few days here and there. Check the article here for more details


Upgrading your avatar to level 4

While upgrading your avatar is not required anymore to sow your land to upper levels, we definitely encourage you to do so to reap the benefits in-game and outside of the game:

  • Optimize your staking (see more on this in the next section);
  • Access Level 4 Vulcanites;
  • Access exclusive Level 4 clothing for your avatar

To upgrade your avatar to Level 4, you’ll need to provide 40,000 XP and 150 LAVA (edit: cold LAVA)

Optimizing your level 4 staking reward

As mentioned previously, you won’t need to have an avatar at the same level as your land. However, you’ll get more rewards from your staking for doing so!

To reward and encourage player engagement, landowners who have an avatar at the same level as their land will be getting the full staking reward from the daily pool. However, be aware that staking while your avatar is at a lower level than your land, your reward will be reduced by 50%. As such, we are pleased to announce that the remaining 50% will go to the landowners with a matching avatar-land level.


Level 4 Upgrades

Building Upgrades

As your land progresses to Level 4 in VulcanVerse, this will unlock building upgrades, enhancing the features of your structures. You’ll also upgrade your capacity to build an extra level or dig deeper. Sowing will need to be completed.



Unleash the incredible abilities of Level 4 Vulcanites. As part of this Level 4 upgrade, you’ll be able to play with two new Vulcanites: Blubberjaw and Thunder.

Avatar Clothing

Express your unique style with upgraded avatar clothing options. As you level up, your avatar gains access to an expanded selection of outfits. Discover the upcoming clothing for Level 4!



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